Dear Pump,
I remember the day you were first fitted on me like it was yesterday, 5th November, 2016. I remember the next day being Dad’s birthday and me hesitating to eat the birthday cake.
Back then I was still on a strict diet and eating sweets was a no-no. But ever since you’ve been in my life, it’s been so much more relaxed. I can eat whatever I want, I don’t have to worry about my highs and / or lows that much, and you’ve made my life “needle or prick free”, for the most part.
We’ve had our ups and downs, and some tremulous middles, but that will never change the fact that you made, and still make, me feel so normal, so much in control. You’ve seen me at my best and my worst, in all of my in-betweens.
I know that I’ve not been the kindest to you at times, and curse at you, beg at you to work. And like a miracle-bestowing God, you’ve always come through. I’m sorry for all the things that I have put you through, and what I might do in the future.
They say that “miracles do occur”, I guess in many ways, you were mine. You made a dysfunctional human, feel and be normal again.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for believing in me. Thank you for making me whole again. And lastly, thank you for always being there for me.
Love always, Prachi